Microsoft has knocked 50 per cent off the asking price of a range of DLCs as part of a one-day only Black Friday sale. Arctic Strike for 400 MSP, and Raven Strike for 600 MSP. As well as the DLC, Y8 physics puzzler Quantum Conundrum and online action RPG Dungeon Defenders have both been reduced to 600 MSP a pop. If you're interested be sure to pick them up soon. The promotion will run for only 24 hours. Mass Effect 3: Leviathan and Batman Arkham City: Y8 Games Harley Quinn's Revenge have both been knocked down to just 400 Microsoft Points each, Meanwhile, a pair of Ghost Recon Future Soldier DLC packs are available for half price - And don't forget, there's pleny more items on offer in Xbox LIVE's Black Friday sale, including Rock Band Blitz and Spelunky. while Forza Horizon's October Car Pack is available for just 200 MSP.
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